165 bar 2200W haute pression


Name of Seller: MayelPoint-SALES
Telephone Number: (+237) 651986628 or 693886314
Country: Cameroun
Town: Yaounde
Neighborhood: Nous sommes Situés à immeuble ROCKS en face Polytechnique Melen
165 barres, 2,200 W. Nettoyeur haute pression avec accessoires

Powerful 2200W motor pump for maximum performance 165bar maximum pressure with 450L/h maximum water flow high cleaning power
Extendable aluminium handle and wheels for easy transport
Accessories: 0.7L foam sprayer, Turbo nozzle, Vario nozzle, quick connect gun & lance, 6m hose, 5m cable Compact and lightweight design with innovative on-board storage Suitable for a wide range of applications: garden furniture, car, Patio, decking